Friday, 5 October 2012

Dear Future Teenage Son,

Just you wait. Right now you act like you don't want to sleep. I know you need to but you have this weird idea that you need to be up all the time; like you'll miss something if you go to sleep. You won't, you'll just miss your parents going to sleep earlier...really.

I'm veering off course, my point for this letter future son is to let you know this:

Payback, she is a bitch. ;)

I am secretly planning all the ways I will wake you up when you want to sleep most. Don't get me wrong if you've worked very hard I will let you sleep, if you have studied very hard I will let you sleep, BUT if you party very hard, mama is NOT going to be so kind. :D

I might pound on your 6am.
PS. Please observe your exceptional cuteness
 which is the very reason you survived
through my sleep deprivation.

I might just walk into your room, pull off all your blankets...then leave again. We live in Canada it gets cold here, you're gonna want those blankets. :/

I might just sit on the bed and tickle your nose.

Or holler your name, a lot, over and over again, until you answer.

You won't know when I will do this, you won't know when it will end, but I promise you son. Mama, she is making plans.

Chatty Mama

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