Saturday, 17 November 2012

Shhh do you hear that?....

...wait you don't hear anything? Why that's because my grey hair has been COVERED! Oh yes it's gone, well it's got a layer of nice warm brown shutting up it's constant shouting of 'you're old' and 'you can't do that you decrepit geezer!'. (I have very rude grey hair, you see now why it needed to be covered.) In case you forgot, after the paragraph or two dedicated to it yesterday, I got my hair done today. So now for your viewing pleasure and because I love me a play by play here is the journey my hair took this morning.

 I decided to take a pictorial journey through the day so here it is. First we have the ever present bun that's been on my head for way more months then I want to admit. Isn't it hot with all the fuzzies and such? As you can see down isn't a whole lot better and that is a LOT of hair there folks it gets in the way and is the perfect length for DS to grab fistfuls on both sides when I lean forward to try and pick him up. Then we have the last picture before my hairdresser cut it.

I don't miss it, not even a little bit. I think she's obligated to ask if I'm okay with her cutting a large amount of but I was all 'if you don't I will do it myself'. That's actually a full threat to a hairdresser cause then they'd have to fix the darn mess you made trying to cut your own hair...LOL There is a reason the have to go to school.

Anyway we have the middle process now. She cut my hair before dying it because it would have be cruel to ask me to pay for her to dye hair she was going to cut off. I always love the 'foil look' I wonder if I could have gotten radio signals if I tried. I should have walked around the salon while the colour set holding my head at a weird angle looking like I was listening. If anyone asked what I was doing state matter of factly 'listening for the signal' then go back to it as if it was the most natural thing on earth. Wow I need to get out more, I think I just scared

Reading stories to her brother.

So while I was going through this whole process I'm getting updates from home. DH was sending me pics of the kids. My favourite is this one where DD is reading DS a story. Honestly how cute is that?? She likes to find books and then make up her own story to go with the pictures. Pretty gosh darn smart if I do say so myself! Plus it's another picture to add to the group of pictures I will bust out when they both decide they hate each other in 10+ I need to remind her he wasn't always annoying and him she wasn't always bossy...oh wait...maybe that won't be true. If she's anything like me she'll be just a tad on the bossy side. Just a I'm not avoiding eye contact why do you say that? It is not at all connect with the fact that I may have just fibbed to you.


Not bad hey? I can't remember the last time it was this short. I had it quite short in my early twenties but it's pretty much been long layers since then. Or just plain long. I'm still finding it hard to recognise myself when I look in the mirror. I think the last time I had my hair salon cut was when I was in BC and had a good friend do it. And the last time I had a salon cut and colour was when I was very pregnant with DD. So over 4 years! Last year I had it trimmed but this was the whole deal and I love LOVE it. Plus now that I'm certain we are staying here I think I may also have found a stylist who I can keep going back to. So maybe, just maybe I can stay away from the box colour for now.

Okay I just did a whole post about my hair. How narcissistic is that? Maybe it's not, but next time I'll go back to talking about my kids. They really are every so much more interesting than me. Unless I'm doing my ninja skills, I'm pretty interesting then. I need to write another letter soon. I have one brewing to DD's imaginary friend Katie, I'll see if I can't get that up in a day or two. Ta ta for now! ;)


  1. It's nice to hear how YOU are doing once in a while Sheri, no need to post only about your children!

    1. Oh I'm aware that I'm equally as fascinating I think next time I might branch out away from just my hair tho ;)
