Saturday, 24 November 2012

Dear Katie,

Hi, I, um...see I'm not sure what to say to you Katie. DD talks about you a lot so I gather that you are important but I'm not sure if I should kick you out of my house yet. When she give me attitude she says 'I'm talking to Katie' or if she wants to play with me and I have to make dinner or feed her brother she sighs and says 'fine I'll play with Katie'. So I don't know if she even likes you, or are you around for when she's bored? I'm not quite sure. She tells me you are her sister yet you also have a baby sister with the same name as her brother (which baffles me to no end let me tell you).

The other day I tried to include you in our plans Katie I really did. I asked if we should set a spot at the table for you (gotta support the imagination and all) or make sure you came in the car with us to do some errands. It seems though that you exist only for DD because she just looked at me like I was crazy and said 'Mommy you know Katie is just pretend right?'

I do know this Katie, I'm fully aware that you do not really exist, it just baffles me that for someone who doesn't exist you permeate a lot of conversations in this house. You also have remarkably similar experiences to that of my DD. Apparently you had a day where you refused to listen to your mom and got in trouble just like DD. Speaking of your mom Katie can you explain to me how you are DD's sister, yet your sister (who has the same name as my son) is NOT DD's sister? Don't even get me started on how myself and my DH are NOT your parents yet you are still related to our daughter? Are you from a parallel universe Katie? If so what's it like there? Can you go back and forth for our world to your world or are you stuck here?

These are very serious questions Katie, I need to know how much of an impact you are going to have on our lives. Apparently you do not need me to acknowledge you for you to exist. Shall we call you convenient Katie? If you do plan on sticking around just let DD hang out with her other friends too, the ones I can see. Oh and one more thing, I am glad DD has the type of imagination to create you, this is all fine and good just looking for your importance in the grand scheme of things. Grand scheme being, do I need to pay for some kind of therapy now/later or are you just around because my kid is extra creative? If I had my choice I'd go for the latter instead of the former...just saying.

So as long as you don't give my daughter any bad advice you are welcome here Katie...I think...I'm new to this imaginary friend thing.

Chatty Mama

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Shhh do you hear that?....

...wait you don't hear anything? Why that's because my grey hair has been COVERED! Oh yes it's gone, well it's got a layer of nice warm brown shutting up it's constant shouting of 'you're old' and 'you can't do that you decrepit geezer!'. (I have very rude grey hair, you see now why it needed to be covered.) In case you forgot, after the paragraph or two dedicated to it yesterday, I got my hair done today. So now for your viewing pleasure and because I love me a play by play here is the journey my hair took this morning.

 I decided to take a pictorial journey through the day so here it is. First we have the ever present bun that's been on my head for way more months then I want to admit. Isn't it hot with all the fuzzies and such? As you can see down isn't a whole lot better and that is a LOT of hair there folks it gets in the way and is the perfect length for DS to grab fistfuls on both sides when I lean forward to try and pick him up. Then we have the last picture before my hairdresser cut it.

I don't miss it, not even a little bit. I think she's obligated to ask if I'm okay with her cutting a large amount of but I was all 'if you don't I will do it myself'. That's actually a full threat to a hairdresser cause then they'd have to fix the darn mess you made trying to cut your own hair...LOL There is a reason the have to go to school.

Anyway we have the middle process now. She cut my hair before dying it because it would have be cruel to ask me to pay for her to dye hair she was going to cut off. I always love the 'foil look' I wonder if I could have gotten radio signals if I tried. I should have walked around the salon while the colour set holding my head at a weird angle looking like I was listening. If anyone asked what I was doing state matter of factly 'listening for the signal' then go back to it as if it was the most natural thing on earth. Wow I need to get out more, I think I just scared

Reading stories to her brother.

So while I was going through this whole process I'm getting updates from home. DH was sending me pics of the kids. My favourite is this one where DD is reading DS a story. Honestly how cute is that?? She likes to find books and then make up her own story to go with the pictures. Pretty gosh darn smart if I do say so myself! Plus it's another picture to add to the group of pictures I will bust out when they both decide they hate each other in 10+ I need to remind her he wasn't always annoying and him she wasn't always bossy...oh wait...maybe that won't be true. If she's anything like me she'll be just a tad on the bossy side. Just a I'm not avoiding eye contact why do you say that? It is not at all connect with the fact that I may have just fibbed to you.


Not bad hey? I can't remember the last time it was this short. I had it quite short in my early twenties but it's pretty much been long layers since then. Or just plain long. I'm still finding it hard to recognise myself when I look in the mirror. I think the last time I had my hair salon cut was when I was in BC and had a good friend do it. And the last time I had a salon cut and colour was when I was very pregnant with DD. So over 4 years! Last year I had it trimmed but this was the whole deal and I love LOVE it. Plus now that I'm certain we are staying here I think I may also have found a stylist who I can keep going back to. So maybe, just maybe I can stay away from the box colour for now.

Okay I just did a whole post about my hair. How narcissistic is that? Maybe it's not, but next time I'll go back to talking about my kids. They really are every so much more interesting than me. Unless I'm doing my ninja skills, I'm pretty interesting then. I need to write another letter soon. I have one brewing to DD's imaginary friend Katie, I'll see if I can't get that up in a day or two. Ta ta for now! ;)

Friday, 16 November 2012

What to say...what to say...

Rubs hands together. Sooo it's been awhile. I was doing really good there for a bit and then I took a nap or something and fell off the radar. I'll try not to let that happen again. So how are things? Let me explain, no it is too much, let me sum up (nod to The Princess Bride): DS is sleeping better, DD is getting more nosebleeds, DH is going to India for a month and me? Well I'm getting my haircut tomorrow and it's consuming all my thoughts...okay most of my thoughts...alright my thought right now but it's there!

I live in a ponytail. This is sort of a mom thing, if I didn't my son would not only have fistfuls of my hair but he'd also have mouthfuls it would not be pretty (incidentally even when my hair is up he still gets fistfuls of the tiny hairs at the base of my neck and then he'll PULL). So my hair is up, constantly, and now it has gotten to the point that it's giving me headaches. *sigh* There is more than one reason it's giving me a headache one it is too heavy for my head therefore it aches. More importantly there is grey in there and it won't shut up! It's such loud grey hair, it taunts me! Calls me old! I need to shut up the grey hair so I will cut it and cover it with dye and no one will'll know BUT you won't be able to tell and that's all that matters. know I don't think this is an evil laugh moment...I really need to move on from my hair...sooo let's go back to the kidlets, they're cute and...go:

Gorgeous kids hey? :)
They are still the light of my life. Right now they are both sleeping and it is blissful. Lately it's been getting drier so DD has been getting nosebleeds. The poor dear gets SO frightened by any liquid feeling near her nose that she panics even if her nose is just running. Sometimes it does bleed and doing damage control in that situation in the middle of the night is...challenging.

There was one night when she woke up screaming as though someone had punched her in the nose. I jumped out of bed, no really I jumped into the air and landed on the floor I think I could have pulled something. My reason for reacting this way is simple, she's been known to come screaming into our room with her hands out as if she is bleeding out (she's not, ever, her crying usually makes it worse) and needless to say this does not help the baby keep sleeping. So I've become attuned to hearing her make a noise before she's opened her door so I can intercept and lead her to the bathroom. I'm getting pretty good at this...I'm very stealth. :)

Anyway this problem needs to be resolved soon, we're looking into getting a humidifier for her room to hopefully curb the issue so I don't have to leap out of my bed like a ninja in a nursing bra ;)

DS is still not sleeping through the night, however he is at least giving me longer stints between feeds. (These would be easier to enjoy if the aforementioned nosebleeds didn't occur in between these feedings) Sometimes he'll wake up only a couple of hours after he has last ate so these days I try the soother first and a little cuddle and usually he falls back asleep. I know my baby won't be a baby forever so it really doesn't bother me that he doesn't sleep through the night. I love to cuddle my little man and sometimes I'll just give in and have him next to me and then everything is right with the world. Remind me I said this when he's crawling into my bed at 5 and 6 years

Which brings me to DH and India, oh India, if only you didn't need my husband to come and fix you. Okay so he's not fixing the whole darn country but the people who work for his company need him out there. SO he goes, for a month...yeah that's right...a month. Remember when he was going away for 5 days and I wanted to hold onto his leg and kick and scream?? I'm not doing that this time...nope, I'm going to hide out at my parent's until my husband comes It just so happens that when he's planning to go was RIGHT after we were planning to return from visiting my parents for Christmas. SO instead I said to extend the tickets for the kids and I and we'll stay there. The best scenario is us being home here as a family of four, but if he has to go for work then the NEXT best scenario is this one. My parents get extra time with their grandkids (and me) and I won't get so overwhelmed that I'll drown in mommying. I have NO idea how single parents do it, I don't...guys I'm a wimp I can't do it. So I'll stomp my feet and run home to MY mommy and daddy for help.

 And that's all for now folks...I'll try to do a better job of blogging regularly. I forgot how fun it is. However, now my butt needs to go to bed...which is sad cause it's not even ten yet. I am a party ANIMAL...oh wait no...I'm a