Sunday, 16 December 2012

Best. Kids. Ever.

Ok it's been a few days since the kids and I flew here to my parent's place and I gotta say life is pretty good. DD is going through a bit of an adjustment period because it takes her awhile to adapt to change. She was VERY excited to visit grandma and grandpa but there are still moments where she wants to go home to her familiar settings so it's taking a little bit for her to become familiar with this house as home for now. Which, of course, is weird to me cause this house always feels like home to me.

DS is actually sleeping like a champ! Not all through the night of course because I haven't gone to a parallel universe, but he is adapting pretty well to a different crib and different sleep settings although his proximity to me is pretty much the same and in his little world that is really all that matters.

Now...the flight:

The kids were pretty freaking amazing compared to what I was expecting! DD walked through the airport with her special Winnie the Pooh rolling suitcase. She was very proud of herself that she had her own and she was helping. We made it through security without a hitch and didn't have to wait very long before we were on the plane. The flight attendants were a lot of help and both my kids were fabulous. DD watched the Treehouse channel on the TV, ate the snacks they give you (although on the way back I'm definitely bringing more!) and just chatted nicely with me about where we were going and what was happening.

DS was hilarious. The biggest thing most people worry about with babies is the pressure change during take off and landing. Coupled with his recent diagnosis of an ear infection I was convinced that take off and landing would be hell. My boy, slept. What is ironic is he slept ONLY during take off and Go figure right? I'm all worried about those moments and those are the ones where he is the most calm. He was also pretty happy in between as well, he smiled and played and giggled at his sister. It was pretty much the best scenario I could have hoped for so thank you to all who sent good vibes and prayers. I made it in one piece!!

My parents are in their element now. They get to hold, cuddle and play with their two grandkids every day and I just love seeing those big smiles on their faces and the sighs of contentment when they get those long awaited hugs and snuggles. My kids just drink up cuddles, they love it!

DD is off at the park with grandma now and after I post this I think I just might take a nap with DS who is snoozing beside me. Even though I have to be away from DH for the month of January at least I know I can relax at points throughout that time. We're going to get into a groove here and one of the first things we've started is giving DS some cereal. That is a fun adventure, give me a couple days and I'll do a new post about that.

Gonna go sleep a little bit cause I can DO that here! Yay ;)

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Nurse Mama

I haven't slept in three days. Right now I was going to write a blog about dealing with two kids sick at the same time but all I hear in my head is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

If I ever get sleep again I will blog...that is a promise...right now I'm going to race to sleep and see how much I get before Phlegm 2012 wakes up again.